Video, 8:01 min, 4K Video, stereo, 2016

"Revel Atlantic City" was a resort, hotel and casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States. Revel is the northernmost casino on the Atlantic City Boardwalk, located on 20 acres off land. The construction of the resort cost $2.4 billion. Revel opened on April 2, 2012 and closed on September 2, 2014 after declaring bankruptcy for the second time. "Live at Revel" is the second video in the series "Form and Control", which focuses on late-capitalistic culture and it's space dominating architectural structures: the selected places are oscillating between societal progress and economic profit.

"Der hochmoderne Gebäudekomplex des Revel wurde 2012 in Atlantic City als höchstes Gebäude der Stadt und zweithöchstes Casino der Vereinigten Staaten eröffnet. Die Glücksspiel-Gesetzgebung in New Jersey zählt zu den liberalsten in den USA. Dennoch scheiterte das Milliardenprojekt bereits zwei Jahre nach seiner fulminanten Eröffnung. Live at Revel zeigt das Gebäude von außen: trotz Glasvorhangfassade eine spiegelglatte, abweisende kapitalistische Festung. Subtile Zeichen lassen den möglichen Verfall des Investoren-Traums erahnen. "
Anna Maria Heckmann, Ausstellungstext 12x12, Berlinische Galerie, 6/2016

"The ultra-modern Revel complex opened in Atlantic City in 2012 as the tallest building in town and the second highest casino in the United States. Gambling laws in New Jersey are among the most liberal in the country. And yet within two years of its grandiose opening this project costing billions was bankrupt. Live at Revel shows the building from the outside: the glass curtain façade is just the glib cover for a forbidding fortress of capitalism. Subtle clues indicate the potential decay of this investor’s dream. "
Anna Maria Heckmann, Exhibition Text 12x12, Berlinische Galerie, 6/2016