BCC, Participative Photo Project (Shelf boards, Boxes, Cameras, Trousers, Shirts, Belts, Shoes), size variable, 2015 Der Titel der partizipativen Arbeit bezieht sich auf das Empfängerfeld für Blindkopien in Email-Korrespondenzen (Englisch: Blind Carbon Copy).
The titel of the participative photo project relates to the receiver field for blind copies in email correspondences (Blind Carbon Copy).
The visitors of the exhibtion "Was für ein Fest?" have the opportunity to borrow a complete set of clothes for the duration of 24 hours to take a picture with an enclosed instant analogue camera, following written instructions by the artist. A signed original photo print will be send to the participants at the end of the exhibition period - the photo will not be shown in public and therfore stays "private". Please contact the visitors service in the entrance hall for more information.
INSTALLATION VIEW Installation view
Instructions: Rental Document: