Filmed in summer 2009, Niklas Goldbach's three channel video installation HUB concentrates on the liminality in places. HUB was filmed along the border of the BBI - Berlin Brandbenburg International Airport, currently Europes biggest airport construction site, size of 2,000 football pitches. Functioning as a national frontier on the outskirts of any major city in the middle of a country, the airport suggests the beginning of a different spatial dimension: "In such a space, time zones and time lags begin to assume concrete reality; the idea of ‘border’ loses its physicality and reveals itself to be a theoretical construction which can materialize anywhere" (David Pascoe: Airspaces, 2001). The ‘time-free’ zone is nothing other than an infinite loop.
"The sky is above us. The grand all-embracing space is an invitation to reveries across borders and nationalities, but in the video triptych HUB we find ourselves in the border district. Barbed wire disturbs the immediate idyll, and a minor army of uniform figures dressed in white shirts and black trousers move slowly and at times cultic around in the bare landscape on both sides of the barbed wire. Goldbach questions man’s conditions of life in a globalised, protectionistic, and market orientated world. Does it have room for the individual? The airplanes signal movement, but is this option only granted to a part of the world’s population? And who is guarding the borders?" Excerpt from the exhibition text "HEAVEN" by Rikke Waaben