"Prologue" was filmed in Berlin in summer 2009.
"In Prolgue (2009), the state of latent menace finds its culmination: filmed in the aesthetic of a home video, the peaceful idyll of a summer day shifts into an alarming scenario when the gloriously blue sky is occupied by numerous vapor trails." Excerpt from the exhibition text " House of cards" by Viktor Neumann
" Der Zustand latenter Bedrohung findet in Prologue (2009) seine Zuspitzung. In der Ästhetik eines Homevideos gehalten, kippt die friedliche Idylle eines Sommertages in ein alarmierendes Szenario über, wenn der strahlend blaue Himmel durch eine scharenweise Anzahl an Kondensstreifen okkupiert wird." Excerpt from the exhibition text " House of cards" by Viktor Neumann "The sky is above us. The grand all-embracing space is an invitation to reveries across borders and nationalities. In the video "Prologue" we are immediately drawn by the beautiful blue summer sky, but the dream scenario is quickly disturbed by the interference of a vast number of airplanes that drag distinct trails on the sky. The massive number of airplanes is alarming, since it is unclear if there are peaceful intentions behind their intrusion in the air space. The patterns on the sky can also point towards another alarming factor, as they can be seen as the scarsinflicted on nature by our globalized world. Goldbach questions man’s conditions of life in a globalised, protectionistic, and market orientated world. Does it have room for the individual? The airplanes signal movement, but is this option only granted to a part of the world’s population? And who is guarding the borders?" Excerpt from the exhibition text "HEAVEN" by Rikke Waaben
Sound Design by Christian Obermaier.