Digital pigment prints on Photo Archive Paper, 76 x 50 cm, framed, presented in fixed constellations ('Groups'), 2013 - ongoing
498 Digital pigment prints on Photo Archive Paper, 120 x 80 cm, framed, presented individually ('Singles'), 2013 - ongoing
Initiated in 2013, Permanent Daylight is an ongoing photographic series of architectural sites and landmarks around the world. Until today, the series consists of more than 260* photographs. Photographed with a 50mm standard focal length in various places around the world, the series examines the concept of a growing global interconnectivity: the selected sites were either created or defined by human culture — yet they conspicuously lack any evidence of human presence. The photographs of this series are presented either as "singles" or in individually titled and fixed constellations ("groups") which form new essayistic contexts and narrative associations between the images. The title of the series refers to the phrase "the empire on which the sun never sets”: variations of it have been used through history to describe global empires that were so extensive that at least one part of their territory was always in daylight.
Exhibition Text "Niklas Goldbach: TRUST", Museum Technische Sammlungen Dresden", 2017, curated by Dr. Andreas Krase
*498 in 10/2024
2013 begann Niklas Goldbach die Arbeit an Permanent Daylight, einem fotografischen Langzeitprojekt, das mittlerweile über 240* Fotogafien umfasst. Die Arbeit untersucht das Phänomen der zunehmenden globalen Interkonnektivität von konkretem Raum: Fotografiert mit einer 50mm Standardbrennweite, verweisen die weltweit fotografierten und menschenleeren Orte und Architekturen implizit auf die Absichten und Gesellschaftssysteme ihrer Erbauer. Die Fotografien dieser Serie werden entweder als Einzelaufnahmen (‚Singles') oder in individuell betitelten und festen Konstellationen (‚Gruppen') präsentiert, die neue essayistische Kontexte und narrative Bedeutungszusammenhänge zwischen den Bildern bilden - das einzelne fotografische Bild tritt in den Hintergrund. Der Titel der Serie bezieht sich auf die geläufige Phrase “das Reich in dem die Sonne niemals untergeht”: Variationen dieses stolzen Ausspruchs wurden immer wieder durch die Jahrhunderte benutzt, um Weltreiche zu beschreiben, deren Ausdehnung über mehrere Kontinente dazu führte, dass immer irgendwo die Sonne schien.
Ausstellungstext „Niklas Goldbach: TRUST", Museum Technische Sammlungen Dresden", 2017, kuratiert von Dr. Andreas Krase
*498 in 10/2024
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“I walked alone (until we met)”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 367,2 cm, 2017 /2025
6 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Ruhr (Wasserkraftwerk Kahlenberg), 2014
2. Koenig Sphere, 2016
3. Broken Obelisk (Rothko Chapel Plaza), 2016
4. The Death of Dirce, 2013
5. 1550 San Remo Drive (closet), 2017
6. Reflecting Pool, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2014
No exhibitions views available yet.

"Landslide”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 367,2 cm, 2024
6 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Public Restroom Hammerteich Witten, 2020
2. Complesso dell’ex Ospedale Pediatrico Umberto I, 2022
3. Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin, 2021
4. Venice Beach Squash Courts, 2017
5. Wild Wild West Casino, 2016
6. Schwarzer Diamant, Duisburg-Bruckhausen, 2014
Exhibition short text

Exhibition views: "Kunstpreis
der Stadt Nordhorn 2023," Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, 2/2024, Curated by Thomas Niemeyer

"Day 7”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 176,6 cm, 2024
3 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Bank Of Korea HQ, 2022
2. Tropicarium Frankfurt, 2023
3. Għasri Cliffs, 2021
Exhibition short text

Exhibion views: "Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine", HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, 16.3. - 1.9.2024, Curated by Inke Arns
Photo 1: Roland Baege

"The Killing Moon”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 367,2 cm, 2024
6 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. KT Gwanghwamun West Building, 2022
2. Berliner Schloss, 2021
3. Côn Đảo Prison, 2024
4. 1933 Old Millfun, 2014
5. Gaskugel Wengern, 2018
6. The Spire, 2022
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Exhibition views: "Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine", HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, 16.3. - 1.9.2024, Curated by Inke Arns
Photo 1: Roland Baege

"Posterity”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 304 cm, 2024
5 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Cadillac Blvd, California City, 2014
2. Hoover Dam, 2017
3. Pesch (Erkelenz), 2014
4. Long Biên Bridge, 2023
5. Stuttgart 21, 2023
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Exhibition views: "Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine", HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, 16.3. - 1.9.2024, Curated by Inke Arns

"Greetings from”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 176,6 cm, 2024
3 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. AIDAnova (Bergen), 2019
2. Regenbogenhäuser Lichtenberg, 2017
3. Greetings from Atlantic City, 2016
Exhibition short text

Exhibition views: "Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine", HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, 16.3. - 1.9.2024, Curated by Inke Arns
Photo 2: Roland Baege

"In Between Days”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 cm x 113,6 cm, 2024
2 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Sun (London), 2013
2. Moon (Porreres), 2014
Exhibition short text

Exhibition views: Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine", HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, 16.3. - 1.9.2024, Curated by Inke Arns
Photos: Roland Baege

"The Next Day”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 430,4 cm, 2019
7 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
Conceived for and co-produced by Bergen Assembly 2019: Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead
1. Rheinische Bahn Mülheim, 2014
2. Isola di San Michele, 2019
3. Stammheim, 2019
4. Hongkou District, 2014
5. Amoreiras Shopping Center, 2018
6. Toftestallen, 2019
7. Pardis Town, 2017
Exhibition short text

Exhibition views: "Kunstpreis
der Stadt Nordhorn 2023", Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, 2/2024, Curated by Thomas Niemeyer

Exhibition views: “Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead. Techniques of Becoming”, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, 10/2021 - 2/2022
Curated by Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler & Viktor Neumann

Exhibition views: Bergen Assembly 2019: Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead, Bergen Kjøtt, September 5th - November 10th 2019
Bergen Assembly 2019 was conceived by conveners Hans D. Christ and Iris Dressler in collaboration with Murat Deha Boduroğlu, Banu Cennetoğlu,
María García, Hiwa K, Katia Krupennikova, Viktor Neumann, Paul B. Preciado, Pedro G. Romero, Simon Sheikh, and Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa

"No Stars”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 556,8 cm, 2019
9 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
Conceived for and co-produced by Bergen Assembly 2019: Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead
1. Paranet Care Dome Moabit, 2015
2. Pomnik Chrystusa Króla, 2018
3. St. Peter and Paul Bastion, 2014
4. Qarani Street, 201
5. Garzweiler (Water Sprayers), 2014
6. Altmarkt Dresden, 2016
7. Los Angeles Reservoir, 2017
8. Stadio di Polo di Giarre, 2019
9. Llano Del Rio, 2014
Exhibition short text

Exhibition views: “Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead. Techniques of Becoming”, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, 10/2021 - 2/2022
Curated by Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler & Viktor Neumann / Photo 1: Exhibition view with Banu Cennetoğlu

Exhibition views: Bergen Assembly 2019: Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead, Kode 1 Permanenten, September 5th - November 10th 2019
Bergen Assembly 2019 was conceived by conveners Hans D. Christ and Iris Dressler in collaboration with Murat Deha Boduroğlu, Banu Cennetoğlu,
María García, Hiwa K, Katia Krupennikova, Viktor Neumann, Paul B. Preciado, Pedro G. Romero, Simon Sheikh, and Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa
Exhibition views with Banu Cennetoğlu

“This must be the place”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 176,6 cm, 2018
3 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Caixa Geral de Depósitos' Headquarters, 2018
2. U.S. Bank Tower, 2017
3. Abo Atash Skate Park, 2017
Exhibition short text

Exhibition views: "Kunstpreis
der Stadt Nordhorn, 2023", Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, 2/2024, Curated by Thomas Niemeyer

“For All The Dark Things”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 556,8 cm, 2017
9 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Waldsiedlung Krumme Lanke, 2015
2. CCTV Headquarters, 2014
3. Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 2016
4. BND, 2016
5. California City Correctional Facility, 2014
6. Israeli West Bank barrier, 2015
7. Apple Store 5th Ave, 2015
8. Rechenzentrum Robotron, 2016
9. Westin Bonaventure Hotel, 2017

Exhibition views: TRUST, Technische Sammlungen Dresden, September 14th - November 26th 2017, Curated by Dr. Andreas Krase

Exhibition views: The Mobile House Turns With The Sun, House of Egorn, Berlin, November 24th - December 22nd, 2018, Curated by Carola Uehlken

“The Lost Take”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 304 cm, 2017
5 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Revel (Metropolitan Avenue), 2016
2. Thomas Mann House (Study), 2017
3. Barker Dam, 2017
4. Tempelhofer Feld, 2016
5. Pardis
Town, 2017

Exhibition views: AUSBLICKE , Galerie Albrecht, Berlin, May 29th - July 25th 2020, Curated by Harald F. Theiss

Exhibition views: GEFÄHRTEN, Schau Fenster, Berlin, April 6th - April 30, 2018, Curated by Nasan Tur

Exhibition views: TRUST, Technische Sammlungen Dresden, September 14th - November 26th 2017, Curated by Dr. Andreas Krase
Additional Foto: Fernsehturm Dresden, 2017

"How it fades”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 430,4 cm, 2017
7 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Jungle, 2015
2. Avdi Square, 2017
3. The Panorama Museum of the Sacred Defense, 2017
4. Los Angeles Reservoir, 2017
5. Hongkou District, 2014
6. San Cataldo Cemetary, 2014
7. Garzweiler, 2014

Exhibition views: TRUST, Technische Sammlungen Dresden, September 14th - November 26th 2017, Curated by Dr. Andreas Krase

“Leave Them All Behind”, Group from the series “Permanent Daylight”, 76,4 x 176,6 cm, 2015
3 Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 75 x 50 cm, individually framed
1. Unisphere, 2015
2. Sea of Galilee, 2015
3. Care Dome Moabit, 2015
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Exhibition views: “Where Are We Now?”, Wilhelm Hallen, Berlin, 9/2023 (Picture 2 with Konrad Mühe), Curated by HHarald F. Theiss

Exhibition views: TRUST, Technische Sammlungen Dresden, September 14th - November 26th 2017, Curated by Dr. Andreas Krase

Exhibition views (with Geerten Verheus): TRANSIT, Kunsthaus ACUD, Berlin, 4/2016, Curated by Ulrike Grelck

2 Figures
from the series "Permanent Daylight", 2 x 168 x 165 cm, 2015
From left to right:
West Bank Barrier, 2015
JW Marriott Shanghai, 2014
Instituto Tecnico Economico Statale J. Barozzi, 2015
Unité d'Habitation / Belvedere, 2014
Hongkou District, 2014
Sea of Galilee, 2015
Punkthaus Bartningallee 7, 2015
Death of Dirce, 2013
Exhibition view: "Re(Set)", Thomas Erben Gallery, New York, USA, November 12 - December 19, 2015

5 Singles from the series "Permanent Daylight", selected by Alireza Labeshka
Digital Pigment Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 120 x 80 cm, framed
From left to right:
Spring Street Salt Shed, 2015
Shanghai 1933, 2014
Atarim Square, 2015
River Mall, 2014
IAC Building, 2015
Exhibition view: "Membrane", KAAF Institute, Tehran, Iran, 6/2017, Curated by Alireza Labeshka